HOME MUSIC AND PROJECTS CHAT ROOM CONTACT ME COOL WEBSITES 2024 06 08 18:38 GMT+1 i came back, i'll try to actually make some more changes over the course of a few days

Welcome to my Website


q. Who are you?

a. I am Lucas (but I also go by LucasAny)

q. What do you do?

a. Well, besides going to school, I compose music from time to time, either for the projects I'm working on, or because I'm bored.

q. Why did you make this website?

a. I wanted to make my own personal website in order to promote the projects I'm working on, and to show my music to you guys! You don't really have to listen, but it's there if you want to!

q. What is your logo supposed to mean?

a. My logo is the letters L and R combined! Why is the R there? I have no idea! It just looks good in my opinion!

Any suggestions? Please write them here!

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